Two Ways to visit a Disney Park FREE! One by chance, the other certain!
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DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2016-04-17 14:52:02 UTC
Word of the Day for Sunday, April 17 = *Riverboat*

http://disneydiamonddays.com _OR_ SMS Text to *227853*, _but_not_both_
to enter the sweepstakes. —(o=8> wiz http://wiz.disneywizard.com

Have you ever been to the world's only FREE Disney Park? Today is the
third Sunday of the month, being one of twelve opportunities each year
to visit the relocated 'birthplace of Imagineering' in the NorthWest
corner of Griffith Park. I'll be there and you can pick my brains or
pick a bone for in the Universe of Disney, I can tell you more about the
intersection of Walt and trains, than you'll ever want to know. Walt's
Barn http://barn.disneywizard.com is open today from 11:00 a.m. until
3:00 p.m. at 5202 Zoo Drive (map) http://barn.disneywizard.com , East
entrance, and staffed by eager volunteers of the Carolwood Pacific
Historical Society http://carolwood.com[ . Plan your visit today or
enjoy exclusively each 3rd Sunday, eleven to three. Who here doesn't
like FREE?! [Donations strongly encouraged - if you like our little park
put in a fiver, if you didn't put in a twenty - the park will get
better!) —(o=8> wiz http://wiz.disneywizard.com
All ladders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye have thirteen steps.
There are thirteen steps to the gallows, firing squad or any execution.
The first step is denial... Don't be bamboozled:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://disneywizard.com/ <8=o)— visit
DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2016-05-15 16:54:19 UTC
It's time to poke my shoulder again.
Word of the Day for Sunday, May 15 = *Zephyr*
http://disneydiamonddays.com _OR_ SMS Text to *227853*, _but_not_both_
to enter the sweepstakes. —(o=8> wiz http://wiz.disneywizard.com
Have you ever been to the world's only FREE Disney Park? Today is the
third Sunday of the month, being one of twelve opportunities each year
to visit the relocated 'birthplace of Imagineering' in the NorthWest
corner of Griffith Park. I'll be there and you can pick my brains or
pick a bone for in the Universe of Disney, I can tell you more about the
intersection of Walt and trains, than you'll ever want to know. Walt's
Barn http://barn.disneywizard.com is open today from 11:00 a.m. until
3:00 p.m. at 5202 Zoo Drive (map) http://barn.disneywizard.com , East
entrance, and staffed by eager volunteers of the Carolwood Pacific
Historical Society http://carolwood.com[ . Plan your visit today or
enjoy exclusively each 3rd Sunday, eleven to three. Who here doesn't
like FREE?! [Donations strongly encouraged - if you like our little park
put in a fiver, if you didn't put in a twenty - the park will get
better!) —(o=8> wiz http://wiz.disneywizard.com
All ladders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye have thirteen steps.
There are thirteen steps to the gallows, firing squad or any execution.
The first step is denial... Don't be bamboozled:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://disneywizard.com/ <8=o)— visit