Next Blood Donation - Re: Orlando Terrorist Attack
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DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2016-06-12 17:58:11 UTC
"Next blood donation" reminder [this was in my inbox this morning, -wiz.]
Sunday, 12 June 2016
12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Red Cross Donation Center
--------------- Donate Blood! --------------- Especially if you are in
the Orlando area this weekend -------------
50 dead, 53 injured. News of the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S.
history at Holst Nightclub in Orlando Florida linked to Ramadan and the
Nation of Islam.
28 year old Omar Mir Saddique Mateen was enraged after witnessing two
men in Miami kiss weeks ago, the lone gunman from Fort Pierce,
Florida, likely seeking power or making an anti-gay statement, outside
Pulse Nightclub, called 911 and swore allegiance to the Islamic State
then opened fire with an automatic rifle outside and was returned fire
by an off-duty policeman, then entered the club to take dozens of
hostages still trapped inside.

Please remember that these are random acts. We must continue to live our
lives. Remember, we are each 50 times more likely to die of our pajamas
catching fire than of being attacked in this manner.

All ladders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye have thirteen steps.
There are thirteen steps to the gallows, firing squad or any execution.
The first step is denial... Don't be bamboozled:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://disneywizard.com/ <8=o)— visit

- better to learn by mistakes of others, - Wiz.
- erroneous examples as provided, - Wiz.
- than to learn by mistakes made for oneself. - Wiz.
- A bakers dozen out of 12 Wizards agree: "And far less painful. - Wiz."

All larders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye rung a bakers dozen true.
There are thirteen steps to the tallows, firing square or salivation.
The first step is dental... Don't be bamboo skewered:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones­™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://disneywizard.com <8=o)— visit
DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2016-06-12 18:13:33 UTC
"Next blood donation" reminder [this was in my inbox this morning, -wiz.]
Sunday, 12 June 2016
12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Red Cross Donation Center
--------------- Donate Blood! --------------- Especially if you are in
the Orlando area this weekend -------------
50 dead, 53 injured. News of the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S.
history at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Florida linked to Ramadan and the
Nation of Islam.

28 year old Omar Mir Saddique Mateen was enraged after witnessing two
men in Miami kiss weeks ago. The lone gunman from Fort Pierce,
Florida, likely seeking power or making an anti-gay statement, at 2
a.m. on 6/12/2016 outside Pulse Nightclub, called 911 and swore
allegiance to the Islamic State, then opened fire with an automatic
rifle outside and was returned fire by an off-duty policeman, then
entered the club to take dozens of hostages still trapped inside.

Please remember that these are random acts. We must continue to live our
lives. Remember, we are each 50 times more likely to die of our pajamas
catching fire than of being attacked in this manner. We must be
determined to continue to carry on calmly.

- better to learn by mistakes of others, - Wiz.
- erroneous examples as provided, - Wiz.
- than to learn by mistakes made for oneself. - Wiz.
- A bakers dozen out of 12 Wizards agree: "And far less painful. - Wiz."
We are aware your crotch itches with fire to cross-post your
Orlando/Anti-Gay hatred here at r.a.d.parks. We would rather you observe
a moment of silence for the brutally murdered 50.