Mask-Up means "I Love You!"
(too old to reply)
DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2021-07-06 17:50:06 UTC
Masuku appu wa `ILoveYou!'Desu
— better to learn by mistakes of others, — Wiz.
— erroneous examples as provided, — Wiz.
— than to learn by mistakes made for oneself. — Wiz.
— A bakers dozen out of 12 Wizards agree: "And far less painful.
—(o=8> wiz."
DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2021-07-06 18:48:11 UTC
Post by DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
Masuku appu wa `ILoveYou!'Desu
spread the word, not the virus!
All ladders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye have thirteen steps.
There are thirteen steps to the gallows, firing squad or any execution.
The first step is denial… Don't be bamboozled:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://wiza.fun/ <8=o)— visit
DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2021-07-31 22:58:41 UTC
Post by DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
Post by DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
Masuku appu wa `ILoveYou!'Desu
spread the word, not the virus!
Masuku appu wa “ILoveYou!” Desu [Pronounced]
Mask-Up means “I Love You!” [literal translation]
if you are like me out and about with a dual dose vaccination bearing my
own antibodies post infection/quarantine, face shield, mask, social
distancing and liberal disinfectant, not because “Canary in a Coal Mine”
fear driven, or as a warning that I may be infectious, but because I
love you. It’s not a stupid Trump thing, nor political at all. More like
anyone who doesn’t is selfish and cares for you not. My behavior,
practice and the barriers I wear collectively shout “I mask up, because
I love you.” Masuku appu wa I love you Desu
*Masuku appu wa `ILoveYou!’ Desu Spread the Word, not the Virus*

Disneyland to require Covid Vaccine for Salaried and non-union hourly
workers - @wiza.fun


wiza.fun's profile picture
Overheard in a doomsday preppers queue:
"If we legislate "We mask-up Because We Love You." We could incarcerate
those who refuse to mask-up as guilty of hate crime, cram them into a
bus, then a tiny lock-up overcrowded with those unwilling to mask, (with
a likely percentage of the infected) for processing and penalized by
work-release in hot zones. Make a show about it _Scared Straight_, now
viral with Corporal Roulette and "Fats" Williams your host."

...well I thought it was extremist funny.
All larders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye rung a bakers dozen true.
There are thirteen steps to the tallows, firing square or salivation.
The first step is dental… Don't be bamboo skewered:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://wiza.fun <8=o)— visit

...is that now be nice or be dinner?
DisneyWizard the Fantasmic!
2021-07-31 23:22:01 UTC
*_collectively shout “I mask up, because I love you.” Masuku appu wa I
love you Desu to Tokyo Disneyland Disney Seas folk affected furring
[ed. now with correct title and subject.]

Masuku appu wa “ILoveYou!” Desu [Pronounced]
Mask-Up means “I Love You!” [literal translation]
if you are like me out and about with a dual dose vaccination bearing my
own antibodies post infection/quarantine, face shield, mask, social
distancing and liberal disinfectant, not because “Canary in a Coal Mine”
fear driven, or as a warning that I may be infectious, but because I
love you. It’s not a stupid Trump thing, nor political at all. More like
anyone who doesn’t is selfish and cares for you not. My behavior,
practice and the barriers I wear collectively shout “I mask up, because
I love you.” Masuku appu wa I love you Desu
*Masuku appu wa `ILoveYou!’ Desu Spread the Word, not the Virus*

Disneyland to require Covid Vaccine for Salaried and non-union hourly
workers - @wiza.fun


wiza.fun's profile picture
Overheard in a doomsday preppers queue:
"If we legislate "We mask-up Because We Love You." We could incarcerate
those who refuse to mask-up as guilty of hate crime, cram them into a
bus, then a tiny lock-up overcrowded with those unwilling to mask, (with
a likely percentage of the infected) for processing and penalized by
work-release in hot zones. Make a show about it _Scared Straight_, now
viral with Corporal Roulette and "Fats" Williams your host."

...well I thought it was extremist funny.
All larders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye rung a bakers dozen true.
There are thirteen steps to the tallows, firing square or salivation.
The first step is dental… Don't be bamboo skewered:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://wiza.fun <8=o)— visit

...is that now be nice or be dinner?