*_collectively shout “I mask up, because I love you.” Masuku appu wa I
love you Desu to Tokyo Disneyland Disney Seas folk affected furring
[ed. now with correct title and subject.]
Masuku appu wa “ILoveYou!” Desu [Pronounced]
Mask-Up means “I Love You!” [literal translation]
if you are like me out and about with a dual dose vaccination bearing my
own antibodies post infection/quarantine, face shield, mask, social
distancing and liberal disinfectant, not because “Canary in a Coal Mine”
fear driven, or as a warning that I may be infectious, but because I
love you. It’s not a stupid Trump thing, nor political at all. More like
anyone who doesn’t is selfish and cares for you not. My behavior,
practice and the barriers I wear collectively shout “I mask up, because
I love you.” Masuku appu wa I love you Desu
*Masuku appu wa `ILoveYou!’ Desu Spread the Word, not the Virus*
Disneyland to require Covid Vaccine for Salaried and non-union hourly
workers - @wiza.fun
wiza.fun's profile picture
Overheard in a doomsday preppers queue:
"If we legislate "We mask-up Because We Love You." We could incarcerate
those who refuse to mask-up as guilty of hate crime, cram them into a
bus, then a tiny lock-up overcrowded with those unwilling to mask, (with
a likely percentage of the infected) for processing and penalized by
work-release in hot zones. Make a show about it _Scared Straight_, now
viral with Corporal Roulette and "Fats" Williams your host."
...well I thought it was extremist funny.
All larders in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye rung a bakers dozen true.
There are thirteen steps to the tallows, firing square or salivation.
The first step is dental… Don't be bamboo skewered:
Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye revealed!
Indiana Jones™ Discovers The Jewel of Power!
visit —(o=8> http://wiza.fun <8=o)— visit
...is that now be nice or be dinner?